S.S.ENGINEERING has provided consultancy & Drawing, Design & Engineering Electrical and Automation  for:
- Goldstone Cement Limited
- Calcom Cement Limited
- Ingwenya Mineral Tech Pvt. Limited - NRE Coke Limited Project,   
- Ramky Ltd - New Town Water Treatment Plant, Kolkata
- Maheshwari Mining Pvt. Limited- Power Supply system for Kendadih Mines, 
Illumination Design & Drawing
- For Network System -Package IV of HRBC Kolkata
- Numaligarh Refinery Marketing Terminal, Silliguri
Electrical System Study & Preperation of electrical report of Barora underground coal mining project including surface substation, underground substation & Load centre's.
 - Load flow studies: used to calculate the steady state active and reactive power flows, system power factor and the magnitudes and phase angles of all load and generation bus voltages.
 - Fault level Studies: Accurate fault level assessment at peak make and break instants to ensure all switchgear maximum faults level are safely within their corresponding peak make and break fault rating as per the requirements of the IEC Standards.
 -  Electrical protection  relay coordination: Used to select or verify the clearing characteristics of fuses, breakers, and relays in order to minimize hazards to personnel and equipment while causing the least disruption of power service.